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 Hey there! It's Rod, it's February 2021

I am excited about 2021! There is a lot going on, lots of projects in the works. I will update as I get more information. Script writing for my new faith based series "Rescued" is on going. Production is on hold however due to covid as we need real hospital ER and ambulance scenes filmed. I did re-write the short teaser trailer to that will work without having to use those locations and sets. I am in talks with a production company now and hope to start production in a month or two. I has mostly been cast already but I will post in the Facebook groups if we need more.

I've been cast in an Independent film called "Her Monster" . This is a goodie from Ted Tanaka. an independent filmmaker in Phoenix, AZ. He works with a
veteran owned non-profit called Creative Drill Sergeants that helps veterans and the community have the ability to express themselves through all levels of art. They helped me learn how to become a filmmaker through BloodQuartz Studios and now I have the opportunity to use that knowledge to make my first short film that I wrote and will be directing called "Her Monster"

Short Summary

Her Monster is about a young girl named Sarah who has been abused by her step father. Her mother has no clue that it has been happening. Sarah must also deal with another being that haunts her at night. Now, Sarah has to figure out who is the real monster. Her step father or the one living under her bed.
Filming start date: March 2021
This short film will be produced by BloodQuartz Studios and Hurricane 9 Productions
They are raising funds! Please help if you can


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